Learn to ride like a motor officer

Welcome to Texas Advanced Motorcycle Training

 Jay is a motor officer from Houston and has 26 years of law enforcement experience.  


Experience includes: 

  • Supervisor with the Houston Police Motorcycle Detail 
  • Lead Supervisor over Training with the Police Motorcycle Detail  
  • Certified Police Motor Instructor
  • Texas TCOLE Instructor
  • TDLR Certified Motorcycle Instructor 


If you are looking for real world motorcycle training, tailored to actual real-world scenarios within a unique and expert level curriculum, give us a call today.  Our goal is to assist you in developing your skills to that of a professional and highly skilled motor officer, without the wear and tear experienced by those who attend actual motor officer training.  


It’s not hard, when you know how! And it doesn’t take years to master!




Are you ready?






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Mark Foster

“Although we were just spectors,we were thrilled to see the racing and watch how the mechanics were fine tuned and repaired the bikes. A good atmosphere and a great day out!We enjoyed and appreciated the whole memoreable and experience. We’ll definitely come back again.”

Deborah Price

“Although we were just spectors,we were thrilled to see the racing and watch how the mechanics were fine tuned and repaired the bikes. A good atmosphere and a great day out!We enjoyed and appreciated the whole memoreable and experience. We’ll definitely come back again.”

Christopher Morris

“Although we were just spectors,we were thrilled to see the racing and watch how the mechanics were fine tuned and repaired the bikes. A good atmosphere and a great day out!We enjoyed and appreciated the whole memoreable and experience. We’ll definitely come back again.”